Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Adopt A Class Review

David Sparks and Alex Downing reviewed the progress of our Adopt A Class. Below on the left is Edmira Christanovich and on the right is Laura Southard. Both sophomore's at WKU. Laura is Pre Vet and Edmira is in Sociology.
What a treat to have them with us today.

Our club adopted Mrs. Jan Coombs class from Warren Elementary in the year 2000. They graduated in 2007. Of the original 24, four moved away and 12 are either in higher education, have been, or will be this fall. This was our second attempt to adopt a class. We had learned several important lessons from our failed original attempt in 1991. This time each student was assigned to a mentor to kept in touch on a regular basis. We had outings with the students and took many to WKU's campus to introduce them to campus life. We are anticipating a third group in the near future and will use the successful students and continuing lessons learned to have another successful adopt a class.
Many thanks to Charles Hardcastle for generous funding and to Linda Thomas, Col. Spiller, and many other members who contributed lots of time and effort.