Wednesday, May 9, 2007

KY Academy for Math & Science

Our program today, 9 May 2007, was presented by Tim Gott from WKU. He talked about a program for high school juniors and seniors that will bring 120 students from all over Kentucky to Western's Campus. Sixty young men and sixty young women will reside in Snyder Hall in combined education that will earn them a diploma from their respective high school and 60 hours of college credit from Western. Tim talked about "mining [Kentucky's] intellectual capital." This fall will start an ongoing program that hopefully will add 60 news students each fall.

Advanced plans have been made to care for each student's intellectual and social growth as well as physical safe keeping. As a personal note I came to Western in the summer of 1962 on a National Science Foundation Scholarship along with about 100 high school kids from all over the state. I had finished the course work from Leitchfield High School so I stayed on that fall and started pre-med. I was 16 years old so I can relate to what these kids will be going through.