Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Margaret Curtis to Turkey

Margaret is on her way to teaching in an orphanage in Turkey this summer. She wants to UPS a package of rewards and prizes for her students and a large supply was brought to our meeting on 23 May. She will continue to collect items at next week's meeting on 30 May so if you weren't able to participate this week please bring your items next week. As an alternative you can bring a check made out to our club that will be combined and presented to Margaret as a lump sum.

Here's the list of items that Margaret has requested: 1. Cassette tapes of children's songs 2. thin paper back books at 3rd grade level or below not religious or US Holidays 3. Stickers, lots of stickers 4. Children's jewelry 5. Small Ty dolls or animals 6. balloons 7. small balls 8. smiley faces, magnets 9. other items along these same lines