Thursday, June 21, 2007

M.A. Matin Visiting Again

I met M.A. Matin when he spoke to the morning club about 10 years ago. I was editing the bulletin and did an interview of our speakers each week. His son Waquar Ahmed was a student at Western at the time and working for Bill Leachman in the dealership. Waquar married Karol Kirby and now works for Campbell Chevrolet and they have a nearly three year old daughter named Emma.

Matin and his wife Asma visit as often as they can although it has been two years now since they have been in the States. They're only here for a month and leave June 21 to go to Atlanta to visit a brother. They'll be back late next week for a couple of more weeks. Waquar's brother Nabill is coming in from London and there will be a big family reunion.

Matin did his university work in England and is a Rural Development specialist. He has worked for the United Nations in developing countries but now has a position in his native country of Bangladesh. He has been a Rotarian for 37 years and has attended many International Conventions although he elected to skip Salt Lake City since his time will be so short in the states. I'll try to get a photo to post with this article when he next visits our club.