Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Dr. Glen LaFantasie talks about the Lincoln Presidency

Dr. Larry Pack continued an All Star line up of WKU history professors. Today Dr. Glen LaFantasie spoke about the Lincoln Presidency. He had spoken to us last month about other aspects of Liuncoln's life. This is the 200th Anniversary of Lincoln's birth just a few miles up the road in Hodgensville. Dr. LaFantasie said that many scholars and much of the public regard Lincoln as our greatest president. Being a native Kentuckian and a member of Lincoln's party I would readily concur.

Some of the things I learned today is that Lincoln did not have a rich baritone voice as Hollywood has portrayed but rather a high shrill voice that carried well over large crowds. He was not affiliated with any particular religion though was fatalistic in his thinking which would identify him more as a Calvanist. Lincoln's cabinet was a "team of rivals" consisting of both Republicans and Democrats. The scheme didn't work well. On important matters and in running the war he didn't rely on their advice and pretty much followed his own counsel. Dr. LaFantasie noted how much Lincoln aged during his four years in office. That contrast is so easy to see in photographs.

The very last photo of Lincoln was taken by Alexander Garnder was on February 5, 1865 ten weeks before the assassination. The photograph labeled O-116 was recently colorized by sculptor James Nance and is on the cover of the February 2008 issue of Kentucky Monthly magazine. You can see it at Thank you Dr. LaFantasie for a wonderful program about one of Kentucky's greatest sons.