Thursday, December 6, 2007

A Fun Program on Notable Kentuckians

Dr. Jim Claypool is History Professor Emeritus from Northern Kentucky University and came to us through the auspices of the National Endowment for the Humanities. Jim says he was with Northern Kentucky University when it started on a hill overlooking Covington as a Community College. At one point he served as Dean. My wife was there too in the beginning and was homecoming queen one year. At that time many students went on to UK to finish their degree and that's where we met. But back to Jim's presentation. He had numbered sheets with historical quotes and club members in turn would stand and read their quote. Jim would elaborate and took us through many interesting and informative personages. We all had a blast doing this and Jim said he regretted we ran out of time before he could highlight Diane Sawyer (her step-dad was a professor of mine in Medical School), George Clooney, et. al. Thank you Dr. Jim and program chair Shannon Morgan for inviting him.